
This small website contains a selection of photographs taken over the past decade or two in Scotland (mostly the Buchan area), Italia (mostly the Trieste area), and rarely in Cumbria. We hope you enjoy them. No credit is given to the individual photographers as that is not the purpose of these pages. The pictures are taken from the originals or from the best available copy where the original is lost even if that is sometimes less than ideal. Images may be updated where appropriate


The images here are copyright Opcop except where noted. If you wish to use one or more you are free to do so provided it is not for monetary gain and you credit this site as your source. Images of the dog and cat are excluded and may not be used for any purpose

Some images (with rounded corners) were prepared for the web using GIMP. More recent images are prepared using Affinity Photo

Web site design and content © 2000 – 2020 by Opcop. Available in Dark Mode (default) and Light Mode